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A member registered Jun 22, 2018

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Remember the old days, when there was no save.

If the game is closed, you will have to start from the beginning.

Project Arcade is a platform game with a high difficulty that is still in development, in it you must collect the green items scattered around the map and then proceed to the blue square to go to the next level.

Game page:

At your disposal you have the dash that recharges when you step on the ground or pick up the orbs, in addition to being able to jump on the walls.

English by Google Translator



Sobre o jogo

O jogo se passa na 2R ( Realidade 2 ou Segunda Realidade ) em meio a uma guerra entre o exército de Kal, uma parte é a favor de tomar a nave de Kal quando ele retornar e conquistar o máximo que conseguir enquanto a outra parte possui lealdade a Kal e fazem de tudo para impedir-los

(O jogo não terá um modo campanha mas terá uma história)


O jogo está em seu estado inicial de desenvolvimento, sendo apenas um protótipo, sendo possível apenas eliminar os inimigos pelo mapa


Com o avançar do desenvolvimento, pretendemos adicionar itens como: veículos, novas armas, animações, respawn dos bots e até mesmo o multiplayer, entre outras coisas

English ( Google Translate )

About the game 

The game takes place in 2R (Reality 2 or Second Reality) in the middle of a war between Kal's army, one party is in favor of taking Kal's ship when he returns and conquering as much as he can while the other party has loyalty to Kal and do everything to stop them

(The game will not have a campaign mode but will have a history)


The game is in its initial state of development, being only a prototype, being possible to only eliminate the enemies by the map


With the advancement of development, we intend to add items such as vehicles, new weapons, animations, bot respawns and even multiplayer, among other things